Friday, May 22, 2009

October 21, 2008

Disciple I Group Meeting

Lesson #6 – God Sends the Law

October 21, 2008

Gathering and Prayer (5 minutes)

Theme: God Sends the Law

Theme Word: Order

Scripture: “Hear, O Israel, the statutes and ordinances that I am addressing to you today; you shall learn them and observe them diligently.” ---Deuteronomy 5:1

Video Segment (20 minutes)

Listen for why we should follow the laws and understanding the spirit of the Law. Discussion Question: How can understanding the spirit of the Law affect the way we interpret and live out the Law, especially the Ten Commandments?

Scripture and Study Manual (25 minutes)

Group 1: What is the Torah? What are the components of the Torah? What is the function of the Torah? What are the four law collections found in the Torah? Share your understanding of their themes and their purpose.

Group 2: What was the purpose of the Law? How did the requirements of the Law make the Israelites a distinct people? What did the laws God gave the people teach the people about God?

Group 3: Identify the reoccurring theme(s) in the laws discussed in The Bible Teaching section of today’s lesson. How do these more specific laws relate to the Ten Commandments? Share your responses to the questions in this section.

Group 4: As covenant mediator between the Lord and Israel, four times Moses ascends and descends upon the mountain to receive divine instruction and to transmit the Law to the Israelites. Review Exodus 19:1-8a; 19:8b-19; 19:20-20:20; and 20:21-24:8. What do we learn about Moses during these encounters?

Group 5: Considering the Ten Commandments and Deuteronomy 6:4-9, explain the benefit and/or motivation for one to memorize these passages of Scripture from this week’s lesson. Reflect upon have you done so in your lifetime. Why or why not? Do you feel that it has aided you in life and if so, how?

Encounter the Word (25 minutes)

Read Deuteronomy 8. What does this passage tell us about God? What does the passage tell us about people? What does this passage tell us about the relationship between God and people?

Our Human Condition/Marks of Discipleship (20 minutes)

Read “Our Human Condition.”

In light of our human condition, reflect upon why so many of us disobey the laws of God and man? Do we really what structure or do we prefer to do things “our way?” Marks of Discipleship states that “Disciples keep God’s law by doing it.” Reflect on and share how these thoughts aid you in becoming a disciple.

Closing and Prayer (5 minutes)

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