Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 12, 2009

Disciple I Group Meeting
Lesson 29 - A Pastor Gives Guidance
May 12,2009

Gathering and Prayer (5 minutes)
Theme: A Pastor Gives Guidance
Theme Word: Training
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:2

Video Segment (20 minutes)
Listen for the advice given to Timothy and Titus. Video Discussion Question: What challenges faced the church described in Timothy and Titus? What advice did Paul give? What challenges confront Christians trying to live together as family in today's world?

Scripture and Study Manual (25 minutes)

Group 1: Summarize what Paul had to say about helping people adhere to the central doctrines of the faith. How do these issues concern us today?

Group 2: Summarize what Paul had to say about teaching diligently. How do these issues concern us today?

Group 3: Summarize what Paul had to say about caring for family. How do these issues concern us today?

Encounter the Word (25 minutes)

Read 1 Timothy 6:3-20 aloud. Jot down insights you received from this scripture. What are the central ideas of the passage? What does this passage mean for today's world? What personal meanings does this passage hold for you?

Our Human Condition/Marks of Discipleship (20 minutes)

Read aloud "Our Human Condition" and the mark of discipleship. Summarize what Paul had to say about respecting spiritual authority and leadership. How do these issues concern us today?

Closing and Prayer (5 minutes)

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