Friday, May 22, 2009

January 6, 2009

Disciple I Group Meeting

Lesson 13 – Songs of the Heart

January 6, 2009

Gathering and Prayer (5 minutes)

Theme: Songs of the Heart

Theme Word: Worship

Scripture: Psalm 139:1-2

Video Segment (20 minutes)

Listen for the characteristics and function of psalms of praise and psalms of lament. Discussion Questions: Why do we often turn to the psalms? How have the psalms taught you to pray?

Scripture and Study Manual (20 min. group discussion, 20 min. reporting)

a) Members of each group will review the material assigned to them. Group members will be responsible for “teaching” the assigned material to the entire class.

b) Part of the joy in reading and studying the Psalms is that they put us in touch with ourselves and with our humanity. Each person in the group should choose a psalm that speaks for him or her and should read that psalm aloud in the group.

c) Groups should be prepared to read at least one of the members’ favorite psalms and tell why it was selected.

Group 1: General overview of the Psalms

Group 2: Psalms of lament (Psalm 90)

Group 3: Psalms of penitence (Psalm 130)

Group 4: Psalms of praise (Psalm 111)

Group 5: Psalms of wisdom and meditation (Psalm 127)

Encounter the Word (15 minutes, if time permits)

Read Psalm 22. What does the psalm tell us about God? What does the psalm tell us about us? What does the psalm tell us about the relationship between God and us?

Marks of Discipleship (15 minutes, if time permits)

Notice that “Our Human Condition” says what we know about ourselves. The theme verse says what God knows about us. How do we ten achieve the mark of discipleship for this lesson? Why are we often uncomfortable and hesitant about expressing our anger or negative feelings about God?

Closing and Prayer (5 minutes)


Jan. 13 “The Righteous are Like a Tree” (Bruno and Arthella Wells)

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